What We Do

Preparing for the Winter

For Fall/Winter 2021, Urban Legacy will host a plethora of events that help our community build black wealth.

Our revamped interview series will host a succession of influential guests who have power in government, industry and academia. We will discuss learning valuable skills, growing startups, acquiring property and building black wealth!

Speaking of, join our community list! We are building an ecosystem of black professionals and allies of all colors. All races, ethnicities and tribes must come together and exclusively transact with each other so we can all grow together.

We will also launch a series of programs to increase skill levels in our communities. Culinary arts, beauty, tech, visual arts, engineering, we will have a plethora of courses for us to learn skills in high demand, and how to bring those skills directly to market!

If you are interested in what Urban Legacy will offer in the coming months, please reach out to us! 

In solidarity,

Shane Osinloye
President of Urban Legacy

Black Wealth Events

Our ultimate vision is to bring people together into an economic ecosystem where black people are transacting business with each other and with allies who agree with the need to foster black economic development! We will bring together such black people and allies so that we can build symbiotic trade networks and relationships. We’re going to have plenty of fun introducing a plethora of rare and new experiences to our growing community! If you would like to join us, please reach out at info@urbanlegacy.org.

Camps & Workshops

We’re building black wealth by giving black people hands on opportunities to try out projects from high demand career fields they might have never considered accessible before. Working together with professionals in positions of power and industry experts, Urban Legacy is consistently developing courses that train black communities to have skills that will protect their income generating abilities. We also work closely with government and industry leaders to help black people get licensed and certified. 

Online Training

In addition to having in person workshops and camps where black people can acquire more tradeable skills, Urban Legacy also offers online courses. We understand that with families, jobs, school, self care and other life obligations, it is difficult for black professionals to take opportunities to invest in ourselves. We develop a variety of online classes so you can invest in yourself at any moment during your busy day! The mission is the same, to provide you the best information, backed by industry experts, to give you irrevocably valuable skills that will allow you to employ yourself, even when others will not.

YouTube Power Sessions

Urban Legacy knows decision makers and gatekeepers in government, industry, academia and other aspects of life. We interview powerful allies who want the best for the black community. We ask them how to enter their industries, how to overcome barriers, what resources are available for you, and what everyone’s next steps should be. We also create opportunities for you to ask them questions directly so you get the most valuable response, specific to your needs. First hand information is the most valuable. We give you consistent opportunities to interact with the source, people in positions of power.

Black Economic Media

How did we get here? A multitude of people were never taught about the atrocities endured by African Americans. Raising our sense of urgency to meet the level of the black economic crisis means informing people about the dates, locations, and people involved in creating this crisis. Along with providing the data and historical facts, we provide strategies for overcoming the forces we discuss. As more people learn historical facts and how they relate to our present conditions, more people will want to do something about it in the places where they have power.

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